www.GOLDUX.com - Buy & Sell Bitcoins

Codes Responce

00 : Approval Approved and completed.

85 : Card Ok Approved and completed.

01 : Call This means that the card holders credit card company has blocked the transaction. Have the client call the 800 number on the back of the card and find out why.

02 : Call This means that the card holders credit card company has blocked the transaction. Have the client call the 800 number on the back of the card and find out why.

28 : No Reply The card holders bank is not replying to the credit card transaction. Try waiting and then rerunning the transaction.

91 : No Reply The card holders bank is not replying to the credit card transaction. Try waiting and then rerunning the transaction.

04 : Hold-call or Pick Up Card pick up the card. There is a problem with the card. Call the 800 number on the back of the card to determine the issue.

07 : Hold-call or Pick Up Card Pick up the card. There is a problem with the card. It has been marked for fraud. Call the 800 number on the back of the card to determine the issue.

41 : Hold-call or Pick Up Card Lost card, pick up. There has been fraud reported on the account. Call the 800 number on the back of the card.

43 : Hold-call or Pick Up Card Stolen card, pick up. There has been fraud reported on the account. Call the 800 number on the back of the card.

EA : Acct Length Err Verification Error

79 : Already Reversed Already reversed at switch

13 : Amount Error Invalid Transaction Amount

BD : Batch Decline Batch Declined.

83 : Cant Verify PIN Cannot verify the PIN

86 : Cant Verify PIN Cannot verify the PIN

14 : Card Number Error Invalid card number.

82 : Cashback Not App Cash back limit exceeded

N3 : Cashback Not Avl Cash back service not available

EB : Check Digit Err Verification error

EC : CID Format Error Verification error

80 : Date Error Invalid Date

05 : Decline Do not honor. The customers credit card company is telling you not to honor the card. There is a problem with account. Have them call the 800 number on the back of the card to find out why.

51 : Decline Insufficient funds. They do not have enough money in their account.

N4 : Decline Exceeds issuer withdrawal limit. Have the customers call the 800 number on the back of the card and get a force code. This will allow you to bypass the limit on the card.

61 : Decline Exceeds issuer withdrawal limit. Have the customers call the 800 number on the back of the card and get a force code. This will allow you to bypass the limit on the card.

62 : Decline Invalid service code, restricted. The customers credit card company does not allow them topurchase pr oducts from your business type. Have them call the 800 number on the back of the card and get a force code for the transaction.

65 : Decline Activity limit exceeded. Have the customers call the 800 number on the back of the card and get a force code. This will allow you to bypass the limit on the card.

93 : Decline Violation, cannot complete. Have the customer call the 800 number on the back of the card to determine the issue.

81 : Encryption Error Cryptograhic error

06 : Error XXXX General error

06* : Check Service Error Error response text from check service

54 : Expired Card Expired card.

HV : Failure HV This means that there was a configuration error when your account was added. Please contact technical support to resolve the issue.

CV : Failure CV Card Type Verification Error. This means that the type of card has not been added to your account (Or there is an account number error). Plz contact technical support to resolve the issue.

92 : Invalid Routing Destination not found

12 : Invaild Trans Invalid transaction

78 : No Account Account not recognized.

21 : No Action Taken Unable to back out transaction.

76 : Unsolic Reversal Unable to locate, no match

77 : No Action Taken Inconsistent data, rev., or repeat.

52 : No Check Account No checking account.

39 : No Credit Acct No credit account

53 : No Save Account No savings account

15 : No Such Issuer No such issuer

75 : PIN Exceeded PIN tries exceeded

19 : Re-Enter Re-Enter transaction

63 : Security Violation Security Violation

57 : Transaction not permitted-Card The bank that has issued this card does not allow this type of purchase. Have the client call the 800 number on the back of their card for further explaination.

58 : Serv Not Allowed This transaction is not allowed by the merchant provider.

R0 : Stop Recurring Customer requested stop of specific recurring payments.

R1 : Stop Recurring Customer requested stop of all recurring payments.

96 : System Error System malfunction

03 : Term ID Error Invalid Merchant ID

55 : Wrong Pin Incorrect PIN

N7 : CVV2 Mismatch The CVV2 Value supplied is invalid.

94 : Duplicate Trans Unable to locate, no match

12 : Invalid Transaction Invalid Transaction.

T0 : Approval First check is OK and has been converted

T1 : Cannot Convert Check is OK but cannot be converted. This is a declined transaction.

T2 : Invalid ABA Invalid ABA number, not an ACH participant.

T3 : Amount Error Amount greater than the limit

T4 : Unpaid Items Unpaid items, failed negative file check

T5 : Duplicate Number Deuplicate check number

T6 : MICR Error MICR error

T7 : Too Many Checks Too many checks (over merchant or bank limit)

UC : Uncharged Card You are trying to refund a card that has not been previously c  


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